
Sunday 16 December 2012

Game in Spanish with dipthongs

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Grammar explanation about the dipthongs

Exercises about este, ese, aquel  click on it
Exercises about lo, las, les click here

 Grammar explanation for personal pronouns and practice

Yo me me
te te
Ud/Él/Ella lo (le) la le, se
Nosotros nos nos
Vosotros os os
Uds/Ellos/as los (les), las les, se

There are TWO words in Spanish for IT:

  • LO for masculine things and
  • LA for feminine things.

El jersey – me LO puede cambiar
La falda - ¿Me LA puedo probar?

Similarly there are TWO words in Spanish for THEM:

  • LOS for masculine things (and a mixture of masculine and feminine things) and
  • LAS for feminine things.

Los zapatos - ¿me LOS puedo probar?
Las botas - ¿me LAS puedo cambiar?

NB: Note in the above examples the position of the PRONOUN. They are called pronouns because they take the place of the nouns.
al referirse a personas del género masculino.


Hagamos ahora algunos ejercicios para poner en práctica lo que hemos leído en la explicación.  Rellena los espacios con un pronombre complementario correcto.  Cuando termines, verifica tus respuestas con las respuestas que aparecen al final.
Situación 1
A: ¿Me trajiste los documentos?
B: Sí, _____  _____ traje.

Situación 2
A: ¿Ya ha enviado las invitaciones a los participantes?
B: No, todavía no _____ he enviado las invitaciones, pero _____  _____ enviaré mañana por la mañana.

Situación 3
A: Estoy preocupado. Necesito hablar con la Sra. Ortega.  Por favor lláme_____ y díga_____ que se comunique conmigo lo antes posible.
B: ¿Quiere (Ud) que (yo) _____ pida (a ella) que _____ llame (a usted) hoy día mismo?
A: Sí, explíque_____ que es urgente que hablemos del proyecto actual.

Situación 4
A: ¿Sabías que (ellos) despidieron a Carlos de su trabajo?
B: No.  ¿Y por qué _____ despidieron?
A: Porque dijo algo que no les gustó a los jefes.
B: ¿Qué _____ dijo?

Situación 5
A: ¿Dónde has puesto las llaves del coche?
B: Estoy segura de que _____ puse aquí.
A: Entonces, pregúnta_____ a Lucía.  Tal vez ella sepa.

Situación 6
A: Entonces, ¿les explico (a ustedes) este asunto otra vez?
B: Sí, por favor, explíque_____ _____ otra vez porque no está claro.

Situación 7
A: Por favor tráe_____ (a mí) un café de la cafetería y a Lupe tráe_____ un té.
B: ¿Queréis (vosotros) que (yo) _____ traiga azúcar también?

Situación 8
A: Pon esos libros allí.  No _____ pongas aquí.
B: Está bien.  ¿Algo más?
B: Sí, ¿los traductores ya han recibido la circular?
A: Sí, (yo) _____  _____ di ayer.  También _____ di la circular anterior.

Situación 9
A: Sr. Paz, ¿ quiere (usted) que (yo) _____ ayude (a usted)?
B: Sí, por favor.  Dé_____ estos formularios a las secretarias.  Dé _____  _____ ahora mismo.  Díga_____ que rellenen la información cuanto antes.  

Situación 10
A: ¿Sabes quién mató a la pobre mujer?
B: _____ mató su propio esposo porque ella _____ engañaba con otro hombre.

Situación 11
A: ¿Me puedes prestar tus apuntes de clase, por favor?
B: _____  _____ prestaría, pero _____ necesito para hacer mi tarea.  ¿Por qué no _____ pides a Julio que (él) _____ preste los suyos?

Situación 12
A: ¿De quién es esa cámara fotográfica?
B: De Pepe.  Por cierto, tengo que devolvér_____  _____.  (Él) _____  _____ prestó hace tiempo.
A: Por favor, si (tú) _____ ves, di_____ que por favor (él) _____ llame.  Me urge hablar con él.

Situación 1
A: ¿Me trajiste los documentos?
B: Sí, TE LOS traje.

Situación 2
A: ¿Ya ha enviado las invitaciones a los participantes?
B: No, todavía no LES he enviado las invitaciones, pero SE LAS enviaré mañana por la mañana.

Situación 3
A: Estoy preocupado. Necesito hablar con la Sra. Ortega.  Por favor llámeLA y dígaLE que se comunique conmigo lo antes posible.
B: ¿Quiere (Ud) que (yo) LE pida (a ella) que LO/LE (España) llame (a usted) hoy día mismo?
A: Sí, explíqueLE que es urgente que hablemos del proyecto actual.

Situación 4
A: ¿Sabías que (ellos) despidieron a Carlos de su trabajo?
B: No.  ¿Y por qué LO/LE (España) despidieron?
A: Porque dijo algo que no les gustó a los jefes.
B: ¿Qué LES dijo?

Situación 5
A: ¿Dónde has puesto las llaves del coche?
B: Estoy segura de que LAS puse aquí.
A: Entonces, pregúntaLE a Lucía.  Tal vez ella sepa.

Situación 6
A: Entonces, ¿les explico (a ustedes) este asunto otra vez?
B: Sí, por favor, explíqueNOSLO otra vez porque no está claro.

Situación 7
A: Por favor tráeME un café de la cafetería y a Lupe tráeLE un té.
B: ¿Queréis (vosotros) que (yo) OS traiga azúcar también?

Situación 8
A: Pon esos libros allí.  No LOS pongas aquí.
B: Está bien.  ¿Algo más?
B: Sí, ¿los traductores ya han recibido la circular?
A: Sí, (yo) SE LA di ayer.  También LES di la circular anterior.

Situación 9
A: Sr. Paz, ¿ quiere (usted) que (yo) LO/LE (España) ayude (a usted)?
B: Sí, por favor.  DéLES estos formularios a las secretarias.  DéSELOS ahora mismo.  DígaLES que rellenen la información cuanto antes.  

Situación 10
A: ¿Sabes quién mató a la pobre mujer?
B: LA mató su propio esposo porque ella LO/LE (España) engañaba con otro hombre.

Situación 11
A: ¿Me puedes prestar tus apuntes de clase, por favor?
B: TE LOS prestaría, pero LOS necesito para hacer mi tarea.  ¿Por qué no LE pides a Julio que (él) TE preste los suyos?

Situación 12
A: ¿De quién es esa cámara fotográfica?
B: De Pepe.  Por cierto, tengo que devolvérSELA.  (Él) ME LA prestó hace tiempo.
A: Por favor, si (tú) LO/LE ves, diLE que por favor (él) ME llame.  Me urge hablar con él.

Friday 30 November 2012

C.E.I.P Maria Espinosa & Cancelada English Classroom

Noah's story 

Once upon a time there was this very very tall grasshopper who loved to dance and play. One day she decided to look for her friend the spider, she wanted to talk to her friend, so they went for a walk and they talked, and walked, and talked, and walked, until they realized that they were  lost. So they reached a house in which there were a lot of beetles. Actually they were an army of Beetles and tried to attack them. The spider and the grasshopper ran away and the army of beetles went after them. The spider and the grasshopper finally  arrived to their house. The army tried to destroy their house, but suddenly another army formed by grasshoppers and spiders  appeared and defended the spider and the grasshopper.  After a couple of days after the army of grasshoppers and spiders rebuilt the house. So now they were happily ever after

Ella's & Natalia story
The grasshoppers and the spiders:
Once upon a time there were two grasshoppers who lived in the country. One day they were walking around and suddenly two spiders appeared. The two grasshoppers were scared and burst into tears because the two spiders were very big and fat,  the spiders said:
-Why are you crying?
And the grasshoppers answered:
-Because you scared us!
And the spiders said: Please forgive us for scaring you
The grasshoppers asked:
-What is your name?
- My name is Arthur, and my name is Natalie- answered the spiders-
-And what about you? What’s your name?- asked the grasshoppers
- My name is Danny and my name is Sara. –answered the grasshoppers-
-Do you want to go for a walk with us?- asked the spiders-
-Yes, indeed! – answered the grasshoppers .
And finally they were all friends and lived happily ever after

Amanda’s story:
Once upon a time there were a Grasshopper and a spider who lived together, one day they decided to have a pet. That pet was a snail. So this family of animals lived happily ever after.

Carlos’  story:
Once upon a time there was a grasshopper who lived in a castle and spat fire. And there was also a spider who lived in a volcano. They were defending the village from the bad dragons who had steel swords, so when the dragons came the spider and the grasshopper defended the innocent people, so the dragons went away , the villagers were safe now  and they all lived happily ever after



Sunday 18 November 2012

Relative sentences

Relative Clauses

A Complete the sentences with who or which.
1 The policeman ............................... gave us directions was very helpful.
2 The advice ............................... you gave me was useful.
3 Where is the bus ............................... goes to town?
4 Do you know the people ............................... live in the new house?
5 Do you remember the name of the book ............................... Mary told us about?
6 Here’s the boy ............................... broke your window.

B Choose the correct answer.
1 This is the house where / that Jack built for his family.
2 That is the river that / where they caught the poisoned fish.
3 This is the camera that / whose I borrowed from George.
4 That is the man which / whose car is parked in our drive.
5 Football is a game which / where people play all over the world.
6 Have you seen the place which / where the accident happened?

C Match A to B to make sentences.1 A biography is a book ..... a whose paintings are very famous.
2 A vegetarian is someone ..... b which is about someone’s life.
3 A museum is a place ..... c that tells us the temperature of a person or place.
4 Vincent Van Gogh was a painter ..... d who doesn’t eat meat.
5 A thermometer is an instrument ..... e whose CDs are sold all over the world.
6 Crete is a mountainous island ..... f where exhibitions are held.
7 Madonna is a singer ..... g whose ancient civilization is of great interest.
8 The Tower of London was a prison ..... h where many people were held and later killed.

D Complete the sentences using relative pronouns.
Titanic is one of my favourite films. It is about a young man named Jack
Dawson, 1 ............................... was on the ship Titanic when it sank. In
the film, Jack is sailing to America, 2 ............................... he plans to start
a new life. On the ship he meets Rose, 3 ............................... is very
beautiful. She is unhappy because her mother wants her to marry a man
4 ............................... she doesn’t love. Jack and Rose fall in love. In the
middle of the ocean, the ship hits an iceberg 5 ............................... makes
a hole in its side. Jack and Rose fight for their lives as the ship begins to
sink. Jack died, but Rose survives.

Relative Clauses – Answers
A 1 who 4 who
2 which 5 which
3 which 6 who
B 1 that 4 whose
2 where 5 which
3 that 6 where
C 1 b 5 c
2 d 6 g
3 f 7 e
4 a 8 h
D 1 who 4 who / that
2 where 5 which / that
3 who

Defining and non-defining relative clauses

Non-defining relative clauses
We use non-defining relative clauses to give extra information about the person or thing in the main clause. The extra information is not essential.
Robbie Williams’ Millennium, which is one of his most successful singles, was released in 1999.
In non-defining relative clauses we put a comma before and after the main clause.
We use the relative pronouns who, which, whose, where and when in non-defining relative clauses. The relative pronoun cannot be omitted.
Mark Smith, who lives next door to us, plays in a rock band.
1   Combine the sentences. Use who, which, whose, where or when.
Ivan is very good-looking. (He’s Helen’s brother.)
Ivan, who is Helen’s brother, is very good-looking.
1   The book is about a murder on the Nile.
     (It was written by Agatha Christie.)
2   The diamond necklace has been found by the police. (It was stolen last week.)
3   Steven Spielberg lives in Hollywood. (He is a famous film director.)
4   My friend Isabel wants to do media studies.
     (Her father is a TV presenter.)
5   The new club plays great music. (Jamie works there.)
6   My holiday in Ibiza was wonderful. (I first met Jenny then.)
7   The new band is very good. (It was formed last year.)

Defining relative clauses
We use defining relative clauses to give essential information about the person or thing in the main clause. It tells us which person or thing we are talking about.
This is the CD which everyone is talking about.
There are no commas in defining relative clauses. We can replace who or which with that in defining relative clauses.
She’s the woman that works with my mother.
This is the book that I told you about.
Who, which, that and when can be omitted when they are the object of the verb in the second clause, e.g. There’s the man that the police have been looking for. Whose and where can’t be omitted.

2   Combine the sentences. Use who, which, that, where or when.
     That’s the school. I used to go to it.
     That’s the school that I used to go to.
1   There’s the girl. I was telling you
     about her.  
2      That was the day. They got married then.  
3   She’s the girl. Her brother plays in the football team.  
4   That’s the café. I meet my friends there.
5   This is the film. I’ve been waiting to see it
     for ages.
6   Have you met the girl? She’s going out
     with Ted.
7   These are the trainers. I bought them yesterday.

Friday 16 November 2012

Gerunds and Infinitives

Gerunds and infinitives

Gerunds and infinitives
We use gerunds after prepositions (e.g. without, before) and after certain verbs (e.g. enjoy, can’t stand, afraid of).
She left without saying goodbye.
He enjoys going rollerblading at the weekend.
We use infinitives after certain verbs (e.g. want, hope, offer).
Paul offered to repair Sue’s bike.
After some verbs (e.g. like, love, hate, prefer, start, continue) we can use either the gerund or infinitive with no change in meaning.
I like playing tennis.
I like to play tennis.

1   Rewrite the sentences using gerunds.
     Tim cycled into town. He didn’t stop.
     Tim cycled into town without stopping.
1   Rachel lost the race. She was very angry.
     Rachel was angry about  ……………………
2   We didn’t go to the cinema, we watched a video at home.
     Instead of  …………………………………..
3   Ivan passed his driving test because he practised every weekend.
     By  …………………………………………
4   Gillian read the newspaper then she phoned her friend.
     Before  ………………………………………
5   They left the disco and went for a coffee.
     After  ………………………………………
6   Jake has split up with his girlfriend.
     He’s upset.
     Jake is upset about …………………………

2   Choose the correct forms.
1   Tony wants to go / going travelling before he goes to university.
2   He promised to buy / buying her a diamond ring for their anniversary.
3   Have you ever considered studying / to study abroad?
4   He agreed to buy / buying the motorbike
     for £2,000.
5   John has been a farmer for twenty years. He’s used to getting up / get up early.
6   It’s cold today. You shouldn’t go out without wearing / to wear your coat.

3   Complete the story with gerunds or infinitives.

A haunted house
When I was a child I used to spend my
holidays at my aunt and uncle’s old country
house. One summer I remember having (have)
a strange experience.
  It was a hot afternoon, and my cousins
suggested 1……………… (play) hide-and-seek.
But instead of 2……………… (go) outside, we
decided 3……………… (play) in the attic. After
4……………… (turn off) all the lights, we all
hid in different places. I managed
5……………… (hide) behind an old sofa.
  Then something odd happened. In the
darkness we heard footsteps come into the room.
The footsteps seemed 6……………… (walk)
towards the sofa. I wanted 7………………
(move), but I couldn’t. I expected something
terrible 8……………… (happen). Then
suddenly the footsteps stopped and the door
slammed shut. After 9……………… (wait) for a
few seconds, we jumped up and ran downstairs
without 10……………… (stop).
  We told my aunt and uncle, but they refused
11……………… (believe) us. Mysteriously the
house burned down a year later. The fire started
in the attic.